There are at least a thousand things on my bucket list – if a bucket list equals things left to learn, experience and discover, places to live and people to meet.
It makes me feel both thrilled and stressed that life’s awfully short when it comes to realising dreams though (sorry, don´t mean to make anyone panic!). It’s absolutely necessary to prioritize since we, on average, have somewhere between 50-70 capable, healthy years to fulfill all them wishes.
I don’t really have a bucket list in the regular sense: As you can read in the previous post, I am more for long lasting changes than ticking a box. However – I could make a bucket list out of those long term goals – and perhaps see it as a set of guidelines. Over the coming year, I have decided to focus my efforts towards three main goals.
So, here’s my compass rose the coming year. Lo and behold.
- Self sufficiency. This applies to my work situation as well as my daily life. A long term vision of mine is a house on the countryside, with chickens, bees and nature all around. And full mandate over my days.
- Healthy me. Years of stress and putting myself last on the list are over. Good mental and physical health is the very cornerstone for doing anything. This is an area where I have loads to share and learn, starting now!
- Wild encounters. I want to push myself to meet people, learn stuff and finding myself in the midst of totally unexpected contexts.
Do you have a bucket list? Or not? Please share in comments section, I’m curious to find out about your dreams and tools to get there!
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